Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kim Sigers Wins Mercy Award

Kim Sigers won the Mercy Award at Logan Memorial Hospital where she works as a Lab technician. The award began 8 years ago and is named after the founding CEO of Life Point Hospital--Scott Mercy. The Mercy award is given annually to one employee of each Life Point Hospital and then one employee is chosen as the national winner. The Mercy award is given to those who go above and beyond the call of duty at work and they are also very active in the community. Kim is an exceptional example of someone who follows the "Golden Rule". As you know Kim teaches Sunday School and works in VBS here at Hazel Creek, however, did you know that she works every year for the Relay for Life. Kim shows Christian love in so many ways, not to be recognized by others, but from the love in her heart. We are very proud of Kim and wish her well in the national competition.

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