Sunday, August 22, 2010

Charlie Brown's Christmas play

In December our childrens group will present "It's a Charlie Brown Christmas". The children and parents are excited about starting this project.


At a Christian summer camp for children one of the counslers was leading a discussion on the purpose God has for all of His creations. They began to find good reasons for clouds, trees, rocks, rivers, animals and just about everything else in nature. Finally one of mthe children said "If God has a good purpose for everything, then why did He create poison ivy?" The discussion leader gulped and as he struggled with the question one of the other children came to the rescue, saying "The reason God mae poison ivy is that He wanted us to know there are certain things we should keep our cotton-pickin' hands off of!"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

If anyone has anything that needs to be added please contact us

As a follow up there were 94 who attended the "Back to School Bash"

Fellowship Building

The church voted to go ahead with plans to build a fellowship building. 83.2% of the votes casted were in favor of going ahead with this project