Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Favorite Bible Verse or Passage

We will be making a collection of our church members favorite Bible verses as a handy reference to scripture that has inspired, lifted, healed, comforted and guided each member through his or her daily life.
Please list one or two of your favorite Bible verses. If you prefer a small passage of verses you may list the entire passage.
Be sure to indicate the book, chapter and verse number where this can be found in the Bible.

Praise Band

Anyone interested in praise band we will have a short meeting after church Sunday.
More info to follow.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunday's Sunday School Lesson

Jesus heals the blind man.

Sunday Service

Just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow
Jeff Mitchell will be baptized during the morning

a.m. service "The Meaning of Baptism"
p.m. service "What happens when we die?