Friday, October 31, 2008


We have also added links to download Bibles to
install on your computer. These should be free.


Be sure and sign the guestbook which is on the
right hand column. (Only have to sign one time)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Play practice & pot luck lunch

Play practice and potluck lunch Sunday after morning worship service.

Also don't forget to reset your clocks.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hazel Creek Calendar of Events

We have added a calendar of events link at the bottom of this site.
Click on link to see monthly upcoming events. If you know of any upcoming events
that need to be added fell free to contact us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cast for "Pageant of Barrington Hills" practicing for their performance.

Pastor appreciation Sunday

Last Sunday was Pastor appreciation day.
David Browning presented a gift to Rev. Terry
and Anne Chaney showing their appreciation from
the church for their hard work and dedication.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

R.O.C.C. Youth Group

Will be hosting a bonfire @5:00pm at the church. There will be a hayride, hot dogs and marshmallow roast and lots of other fun things to do. PLEASE come and join in all the fun and be sure to bring a friend.
Everyone is invited to attend.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cast for "Pageant of Barrington Hills"

Michael ----- James Clardy
Bianca ----- Faith Farley
Angela ----- Connie Browning
David ----- David Browning
Mary ----- Kim Sigers
Anne ----- Tara Sweeney
Joe ----- Camaron Coe
John ----- Blake O'Bannon
Robert ----- Bob Knight
Samuel ----- Rev Terry Chaney
Carol ----- Mackanzie Knight
Chris ----- Jake Smith
Lois ----- Laura Coe
Mrs. Barrington----- Tina Ingram
Pat, Pat Hillard----- Pam Perry
Tony ----- Jackie Kirtley

Play Director----- Elaine Fleming
Assistant Director --- Jennifer Browning

Welcome to the blog site for Hazel Creek Church

The Church will be performing the play
"Pageant of Barrington Hills" on December 14th @ 6:00pm.
Hope you will come and watch the performance.