Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy New Year

May God bless you and your family with the best that 2009 has to offer.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Meaning of Christmas

Christmas: the True Meaning
Christmas's Religious Observance and History

One of the most popular holy days on the Christian calendar, Christmas honors the birth of Jesus, and is observed by most Christian churches. The name "Christmas" did not appear until the eleventh century. The word comes from the Old English Cristes Maesse, which means "the Mass of Christ".

Christmas History
The earliest records mention a feast held in the Church at Alexandria, Egypt, around AD 200, to honor the Nativity. The celebration of Christmas did not become a church-wide celebration until the late third and early fourth centuries. A variety of dates have been associated with the Feast of the Nativity. Western churches observed the feast on the 25th of December, while most churches in the East observed it on January 6th (Epiphany). The one exception seemed to be the Church at Constantinople, where the designated date mirrored that of the Western Church. By the end of the fourth century, almost all Christian churches had accepted the December date.

What is the True Meaning of Christmas?
Though the Church at Rome maintained that December 25th was the actual birth date of Jesus, the most likely date (according to civil and historical records) was sometime around the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, which was celebrated in autumn. The unanimous adoption of the December date came about as an attempt by the Church to integrate Christian ideals into the Winter Solstice festivals celebrated during that season.

In the East, the Festival of the Invincible Sun was the major winter celebration. In Rome, meanwhile, the Saturnalia literally closed down the region for twelve days. As Christian missionaries ventured into Northern Europe, they were exposed to the Feast of Yule, a widespread solstice celebration for many tribes and clans. While adopting a Christian focus for these festivals, the Church allowed many of the customs and traditions associated with their older significance to remain.

Christmas Customs
Many ancient Christmas customs survive to this day. Decorations of evergreen wreaths, holly, and mistletoe, along with Christmas trees, are found in many homes during this season. Colored lights and candles are often displayed. Christmas gift-giving is an intimate time for many families. Children's eyes light up at the mention of Santa Claus or Father Christmas. In England, the Twelve Days of Christmas are a time of great banquets, caroling throughout neighborhoods, exchanging presents, and attending parties.

Celebration of Christmas in Church
Christmas Eve services often include popular Christmas customs such as candlelight vigils, plays reenacting the Nativity from the Gospel of Luke, and hymns sung by children. Ceremonies on Christmas Day include three Masses, special readings from Isaiah and the Gospel of Luke, and elaborate hymns and carols. Many churches are decorated with candles, greenery, and nativity scenes.

For many people around the world, Christmas is the high point of the Advent season, which honors the birth of the Son of God. It is a joyous time for many Christians as they give thanks to God for His infinite love and mercy

Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Christmas brunch Sunday at Hazel Creek....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cast for "Pageant of Barrington Hills"


DIRECTOR: (Michael) James Clardy
Asst. Director: (Bianca) Elaine Fleming
Angela: Connie Browning
David: David Browning
Mary: Kim Sigers
Anne: Tara Sweeney
Joe: Cameron Coe
John: Blake O’Bannon
Tony: Jackie Whitney
Samuel: Terry Chaney
Robert: Bob Knight
Pat: Pam Perry
Carol: Makenzi Knight
Chris: Jake Smith
Lois: Laura Smith
Mrs. Barrington: Jennifer Browning

Sound: Ricky Page

God has truly blessed Hazel Creek Church. We believe
that God gives talent and it needs to be used to the fullest.

All glory and credit goes to our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pastor: Bro. Terry Chaney
Music Director: Kim Meadows
Pianist: Shirley Heltsley
Organist: Barbara Ingram



Director: Elaine Fleming
Asst. Director: Jennifer Browning

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Click on link on right hand side to view photos

Click on link on right hand side to view photos
of the Pageant of Barrington Hills.

Pageant of Barrington Hills Sunday

Reminder to come and see the play "Pageant of Barrington Hills" on

Monday, December 8, 2008

Movers & Shakers

" Movers and Shakers" are having a Christmas Party @ James and Melinda House Monday Night 6:00 December 15

Meaning behind the song "12 Days of Christmas"

1st Day: The partridge in a pear tree is Christ Jesus upon the Cross. In the song, Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge because she would feign injury to decoy a predator away from her nestlings. She was even willing to die for them.
The tree is the symbol of the fall of the human race through the sin of Adam and Eve. It is also the symbol of its redemption by Jesus Christ on the tree of the Cross.
2nd Day: The "two turtle doves" refers to the Old and New Testaments.
3rd Day: The "three French hens" stand for faith, hope and love—the three gifts of the Spirit that abide (1 Corinthians 13).
4th Day: The "four calling birds" refers to the four evangelists who wrote the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—which sing the song of salvation through Jesus Christ.
5th Day: The "five golden rings" represents the first five books of the Bible, also called the Jewish Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
6th Day: The "six geese a-laying" is the six days of creation.
7th Day: The "seven swans a-swimming" refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
8th Day: The "eight maids a milking " reminded children of the eight beatitudes listed in the Sermon on the Mount.
9th Day: The "nine ladies dancing" were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
10th Day: The "ten lords a-leaping" represents the Ten Commandments
11th Day: The "eleven pipers piping" refers to the eleven faithful apostles.
12th Day: The ‘twelve drummers drumming" were the twelve points of belief expressed in the Apostles’ Creed: belief in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, made man, crucified, died and arose on the third day, that he sits at the right hand of the father and will come again, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Does anyone have a camcorder that we could use the video tape the play?
If you do let us know.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


MCBA is asking for TOYS for needy childern this Christmas. Please bring them to the church or drop them off at the Baptist Center between Central City and Powderly

R.O.C.C. Youth Skate Party December 13th

Youth Skate Party
Saturday Dec 13th 2-5p.m.
Spinners in Greenville
Everyone Welcome
Food and Drinks provided

Christmas Bruch December 21st

Christmas brunch after morning services. Church will provide meal.

Christmas play "The Pageant at Barrington Hills" December 14th

Will be at 6:00pm. on December 14th.

Secret Pal Christmas Dinner December 8th

At 6:00pm in the fellowship hall. $20.00 per person. sign up sheet is in lobby.
If you would like to be a part of the Secret Pals for 2009 please come to the dinner and sign up for the new season.

Holiday Memorial Service December 7th

First Baptist Church @ 3:00pm. This candlelight service is sponsored by Tucker Funeral Home. Everyone is invited to attend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

12 Days of Christmas Song Trivia

Outstanding 12 Days of Christmas Trivia

• There is a partridge in the pear tree that stands for Jesus Christ.

• Two turtledoves signify Old Testament and New Testaments.

• Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love.

• Four calling birds symbolize four gospels.

• Five golden rings are the symbols of first five books of old testaments.

• Six geese are the symbols of six days of creation.

• Seven swans stand for sevenfold gifts of spirit.

• Eight milking maids stand for eight beatitudes.

• Nine dancing ladies signify nine fruits of spirit.

• Ten leaping lords are the symbols of ten commandments.

• Eleven piping pipers stand for eleven faithful disciples.

• Twelve drummers signify twelve points in Apostle Creed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Play Practice Info







Thursday, November 13, 2008

Play practice Friday

Just a reminder play practice this Friday night, 7pm then again Sunday after Thanksgiving dinner (if we're not too stuffed)!
See you then

Thanksgiving Meal


Just a reminder about our Thanksgiving Meal this Sunday. The church will provide the Turkey and Dressing. Please bring a vegetable, salad or dessert and stay for the meal.

If you know someone who doesn't have email, please give them a call and remind them. Also, we will be dismissing services Sunday night.

Love to All,

AC for TC

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Calendar of Events

A new and improved Church calendar of events has been added
to the blog site. Check it out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Don't forget to go out and vote for the candidate of your choice.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

ATTENTION Parents & Kids

We are trying to build the attendance of our Wednesday night R.O.C.C. (Rely on Christ completely) youth group. We want all ages, boys and girls. Parents please come to Wednesday night services and bring your kids and be sure and invite a friend. We have snacks and a great lesson. We are very excited about increasing our attendance and in turn increasing our activities. If you have any questions or need transportation contact Jennifer, Shannon or Susie. Jimmy and Stephanie Bratcher and Loren Rice will be taking over as teachers for our Teen group so please come and bring your kids on Wednesday night.

The Muhlenberg County Crisis Closet/Crisis Ministry

needs our help. They have asked that we collect food for Thanksgiving to be distributed to families in need. Food for Thanksgiving needs to be delivered to the Associational Office by November 11Th. (They will also be collecting food and toys for Christmas - we will announce dates later.) FOOD NEEDED; Cans of soup, corn, green beans, baked beans, peas, tuna, chili, fruit, cake frosting, boxes of cake mix, mac and cheese and bags of potatoes. You can also make a monetary donation to the Food Bank of our Crisis Ministry.

A Step of Faith

Salvation Through Christ: A Matter of FAITH

What do you think it takes for someone to get to heaven? Is it luck? Good deeds? Nothing at all? Or is there something more? The Bible has the real answer to this question. It's a matter of FAITH.

F stands for FORGIVENESS. We cannot have eternal life without God's forgiveness. Ephesians 1:7a says, "In Him (Jesus Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins."

A is for AVAILABLE. Forgiveness is available for all. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." But forgiveness is not automatic. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven," says Matthew 7:21a.

I is for IMPOSSIBLE. It is impossible for God to allow sin into heaven because of who He is and because of who we are. God is loving and just, but His judgment is against sin. James 2:13a says, "Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful." We are sinful people. Romans 3:23 tells us, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

T is for TURN. To turn means to repent. We can repent -- or turn -- from our sin and from ourselves. "But unless you repent, you too will all perish," Luke 13:3b says. We can also turn to Someone. Trust Christ alone. Romans 10:9 tells us how: "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

H is for HEAVEN. Heaven is eternal life. Here, that means life "to the full:" "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10b)." In the hereafter, it means the promise of heaven: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:3)."

So how can a person have God's forgiveness, heaven and eternal life, and Jesus as personal Savior and Lord? By trusting in Christ and asking Him for forgiveness. Take the step of faith described by another meaning of FAITH: Forsaking All I Trust Him.

You do this through a simple prayer reflecting your desire for Christ to change your life. You don't need fancy words--only an honest heart. You can pray something like this:

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin, and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven. I want to turn from my sin and ask You to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me. Amen.

Accepting Christ is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure with God! Get to know Him better in a number of ways:

Follow Christ's example in baptism.
Join a church where you can worship God and grow in your faith.
In your church, get involved in Sunday School and Bible study.
Begin a daily personal worship experience with God where you study the Bible and pray.

Friday, October 31, 2008


We have also added links to download Bibles to
install on your computer. These should be free.


Be sure and sign the guestbook which is on the
right hand column. (Only have to sign one time)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Play practice & pot luck lunch

Play practice and potluck lunch Sunday after morning worship service.

Also don't forget to reset your clocks.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hazel Creek Calendar of Events

We have added a calendar of events link at the bottom of this site.
Click on link to see monthly upcoming events. If you know of any upcoming events
that need to be added fell free to contact us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cast for "Pageant of Barrington Hills" practicing for their performance.

Pastor appreciation Sunday

Last Sunday was Pastor appreciation day.
David Browning presented a gift to Rev. Terry
and Anne Chaney showing their appreciation from
the church for their hard work and dedication.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

R.O.C.C. Youth Group

Will be hosting a bonfire @5:00pm at the church. There will be a hayride, hot dogs and marshmallow roast and lots of other fun things to do. PLEASE come and join in all the fun and be sure to bring a friend.
Everyone is invited to attend.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cast for "Pageant of Barrington Hills"

Michael ----- James Clardy
Bianca ----- Faith Farley
Angela ----- Connie Browning
David ----- David Browning
Mary ----- Kim Sigers
Anne ----- Tara Sweeney
Joe ----- Camaron Coe
John ----- Blake O'Bannon
Robert ----- Bob Knight
Samuel ----- Rev Terry Chaney
Carol ----- Mackanzie Knight
Chris ----- Jake Smith
Lois ----- Laura Coe
Mrs. Barrington----- Tina Ingram
Pat, Pat Hillard----- Pam Perry
Tony ----- Jackie Kirtley

Play Director----- Elaine Fleming
Assistant Director --- Jennifer Browning

Welcome to the blog site for Hazel Creek Church

The Church will be performing the play
"Pageant of Barrington Hills" on December 14th @ 6:00pm.
Hope you will come and watch the performance.